sign in
sign in securely with your account from one of these sites:
note:  this is only for users who have already set up a password.

simple page comment system


allow visitors to leave comments on your website.





the sql.txt file can be copied into mysql as a query to create the necessary table. after that all that you need to do is put the php file in the web server root and include it where you want the comment form to show:

  <!-- most of your page html -->
<?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/comments.php'); ?>
  <!-- the rest of your page html -->

the other file has css information. you can either copy this information into another css file that you’re already using, or place the file in your server root with comments.php and link to it from your pages:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/comments.css" type="text/css" />

the php file will also need to be edited to use the correct database name, user, and password — just change the three variables at the top.



there are no comments on this script so far. you could be the first!
