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Everything is Nothing

People often complain that there is too much gray area. They wish for things to be black or white because the in-between makes for confusion. Although it will most likely create a new confusion, all gray areas can be eliminated by showing that gray itself does not exist. Unfortunately, the black or white alternative must also be discarded because black and white can also be shown not to exist. Therefore, those things with gray areas as well as those which are black or white are nothing, and since everything is either black or white or gray areas, everything is nothing.

Color is defined as a certain frequency of light which the object of the before mentioned color reflects. Black is the misconceived occurrence in which no light is reflected. This, by the definition of color, is not a color since no light is reflected. Not only is black not a color, but it also does not often exist. The only place true black can be found is in the case of black holes. Since black holes cannot be found on earth, there is no black on earth. Those things on earth thought to be black are instead exceptionally dark things. They are not black because they must reflect some amount of light, even if it may be very small, in order to be seen.

White, in contrast, has been defined as the reflection of all light. This means that the color of any white object is dependent upon the colors of other objects which have already reflected light toward that white object. White, therefore, cannot be a color because it is determined by the other colors present. Not only is white not a color, but it also does not exist. The only objects which reflect all light are known as mirrors, and a person who will testify that any particular mirror is white or even any color cannot be found.

After the removal of those things which are either black or white, readers of this document are likely to desire the deletion of the remaining gray areas. Gray can be anywhere between black and white. Defined with two nonexistent endpoints, gray is left with nothing to fall between and must therefore not exist. A darker white or a lighter black may also define gray. These explanations again are based upon the nonexistent black and white. Gray does not exist, and therefore those things with gray areas must also not exist.

Some things are either black or white, while all others are gray areas. Neither black, white, nor gray exist, therefore since all things must be either black and white or gray areas, all things must not exist. Thus the conclusion is made that no things exist, or in other words, everything is nothing.



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